Joe Lynn Turner is participating in the international project THE PARLIAMENT OF SOULS

Joe Lynn Turner is participating in the international project THE PARLIAMENT OF SOULS

Joe Lynn Turner is participating in the international project THE PARLIAMENT OF SOULS who want to remind people that we should be grateful to the dead: not only to our own ancestors, but also to important figures whose lives has been beneficial to society as a whole.

This ambitious audio visual project, featuring the poetic ballad THE PARLIAMENT OF SOULS turned into song, was born from the project's creators’ desire to honor the memory of Václav Havel and his ever- living legacy.

This project seeks to unite all those who wish to express their respect to Václav Havel and honor his memory.

The Project has three parts:

Part 1: The video Clip "The Parliament of Souls"

Part 2: Documentary film about the creation and filming of the project, called "In Love We Trust "

Part 3: The Premiere of the movie and documentary film to be held in Prague's Žofín Palace on Saturday 5th November 2016 from 1900 hours.

Today we will look at Part 1: the video clip “The Parliament of Souls”. 
Listen to Joe’s recorded vocal parts for the new international version which is in English & French will be sung live at the Žofín Palace in Prague during the Gala Evening on Saturday November 5th, 2016. The video remains visually identical, but with new vocal parts recorded by world artists. The Parliament Of Souls was written by composer Zdenek Berry Beran for six performers.

Tomorrow we look at the documentary film about the creation and filming of this project.

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